500 Words a Week - Uncertainty

Uncertainty can feel overwhelming at times, we see a myriad of options potentially open to us and we struggle. We struggle with what we should do, with which avenue to go down. Yet the thing we have to remind ourselves is how exciting it is to have options for us to choose from. Without being paralysed by fear of exploring alternative or different routes, can we be excited about what we are doing.

I think as long as we are making decisions that will add something to our life, be that a new skill, experience or understanding of life, these decisions will put us in a better position. If in our myriad of options, we shy away from all the hard and challenging ones, and pick what’s comfortable, it’s in these times when we have chosen wrong.

When you think of you on your death bed, what will you regret more, not backing yourself or always following the norm? Joy isn’t found in the well-trodden path where we can see for miles before us, it’s found down the path that looks a little overgrown, where we can’t see exactly what’s around the corner. Life is an adventure, it’s an experience and sometimes we need to remind ourselves of this. We need to shake ourselves out of the experience of delaying life. Of saying I just need to get through these next few weeks and then I can enjoy myself. All we have is the present moment we are in right now, right here. Sometimes we forget this, our angst about the future rids us of our ability to enjoy what’s going on now.

I’ve talked to a few people recently about this topic of uncertainty, and when we talk about this it can be easy for us to become a little disheartened, I’m guilty of it. We are unsure what to do, and we start to sink within ourselves. To which I have a twofold response. Firstly, no one has it figured out. When I was a child, I thought teenagers had it figured out. When I was a teenager, I thought people in university had it figured out. When I was in university, I thought people in the workforce had it figured out. Well, I’m in the workforce, and I don’t have it figured out, but I’ve come to realize that we might not ever have it truly figured out. Where’s the fun in having everything preplanned and predetermined.

Secondly, repeating my point from the opening paragraph, how exciting. How exciting to have options for us to explore. To try out different things, and on the path making us better people. If there’s one thing, I’d like for people reading this blog to feel, is this sense of excitement for what is ahead of you. Like above, as long as you can comfortably say that your options are either enhancing your skills, experience or your understanding of your life and self, why not explore them.


500 Words a Week - The Path of Not Here


500 Words a Week - Managing Conflict